Thursday, July 14, 2011

New York, New York (So Good They Named It Twice)

New York, New York, New York, New York, New York, so good I painted it 5 times!

Actually this is about the third or forth time I've painted a New York skyline, but this time I've painted the lower Manhattan skyline as a series of 5 watercolours, a pentaptych. All the paintings are 22x15 inches on 200# Saunders-Waterford rough paper. The left most one was painted first and I have to admit, it shows. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do when I started. By the time I started the third panel, the centre one, I was well into the grove and by the time I finished the last panel, I needed a break for this subject. The last panel, the far right one is my favourite. Jill, my personal mentor, life partner, likes the this one best also.

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