Monday, July 29, 2019

Artist's Block revisited

It was back in May, 2017 that I wrote about Painter’s Block. I had it then.  I have it now.  Back then I cast about the Internet for other painters that were suffering from Painter’s Block.  I used their discussions to make a list of ‘reasons’ that might apply to me. I never did find a good match between their problems to my own situation.  All the analysis and list making didn’t help with my problem.

I have difficulty in getting started on the next painting.  No lack of ideas.  No lack of materials.  It is a paralysis of actually starting. Everything is ready to go and I would turn away from the easel.  I would sit down in my comfortable chair, and browse the internet or an art book.

I tried posting my problem on one of the art forums I follow.  “From Finished to Start” was the title of the thread.  No, it’s not backwards.  The problem I have exists in the space between the finish of the current painting and the start of the next one.  A few interesting posts but nothing I could use.  Another source warned me that other artist’s work methods wouldn’t work for me.

Having revisited this problem my subconscious must have been working overtime.  I may have found a solution.  I envisioned a painting that was very quick and very simple to start. Completing the middle stage requires little if any thought.  This stage of painting does need an enormous amount of effort and time to complete.  I can start or stop painting at any time.  I also don’t need a large block of time to be productive when painting this middle sequence.

I did start it and even worked on the middle state for a few minutes. I then set it aside so I could work on a pair of abstracts for the great room to flank the fireplace.  Got to work on the big abstract that Jill has requested.  And I also started on my third series of paintings.

Four projects on the go.  Painting every day now.  Loving it. The block is gone!  And what of the solution to my Artist’s Block painting you may ask?  It sits in the ready position, untouched.  Neglected and unneeded.  Gathering dust.  It is ready to move to the easel if required.  The thought of it being there is enough to ward off the dreaded Artist’s Block. 

I hope this mojo continues to work for me.  You or your muse may be able to conjure something like help you over your Artist’s Block.


Anonymous said...

I finally got around to reading this. It's been open in one of my browsers since you mentioned it on WC. I like it and it totally applies to me. Thanks for it. It helps a lot!

James Kissel said...

It been a long struggle for me before I found a solution. I truly hope that you find a solution that works for you.
all the best